Breathe Free

Breathe Free

Breathe Free is an economical smartphone application that performs peak expiratory flow rate sensing allowing users to undertake a Respiratory Test in order to determine their Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) without the usage of medical equipment. The application enables users to easily share reports with their doctors or family members. It gives users Workout Advice to help them improve their lung capacity.

  • Traditionally breathing test is done using a method called Spirometry. It is a breathing test that measures
  • the amount of air you inhale and exhale in your exhalation speed and easiness.It is central to diagnosing and managing chronic lung diseases like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cystic fibrosis.Clinics generally use conventional spirometer devices for this purpose.
  • However, over the last 6 years home spirometry with portable devices is gaining acceptance. Nowadays, its convenience allows patients and physicians to monitor lung functions requiring regular evaluation.
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